Arvind Kejriwal Announces Gradual Unlock In Delhi. What's Open What's Not

Arvind Kejriwal Announces Gradual Unlock In Delhi. What's Open What's Not

The lockdown in Delhi will be in place till 5 am on June 14, after which restrictions will be gradually eased, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said today announcing Unlock guidelines.

As the coronavirus situation improves in the capital, more relaxations will be announced, Mr Kejriwal said.

He also added the government is preparing well to ensure that we are not caught off guard if a third wave of Covid hits the city.

"We are also making provisions for children and are setting up a panel for it as well as a task force to track a possible third wave," he added.

Here is what unlocks in Delhi from Monday:

Malls and shopping centres will open on an odd-even basis - half of the shops will function one day, the other half the next day from 10am to 8pm only.Essential items' shops and chemists will remain open on all days.Standalone shops can remain open without any restrictions daily from 10am to 8pm.All private offices can reopen at a limit of 50 per cent capacity and can be open from 9am to 5pm. However, Mr Kejriwal urged all those who can work from home to continue to do so.All government, local bodies and corporation employees of Grade 1 will be functioning at 100 per cent capacity while the rest of the staff will work at 50 per cent strength.Metro trains will be allowed to run at 50 per cent capacity.Home delivery through e-commerce sites will be allowed.

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