Forbidden City, parks in Chinese capital reopen to public

Forbidden City, parks in Chinese capital reopen to public

Beijing’s parks and museums including the ancient Forbidden City have reopened to the public after being closed for months by the coronavirus pandemic

May 1, 2020, 3:50 AM

1 min read

BEIJING -- Beijing’s parks and museums including the ancient Forbidden City reopened to the public Friday after being closed for months by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Forbidden City, past home to China’s emperors, is allowing just 5,000 visitors daily, down from 80,000. And parks are allowing people to visit at 30% of the usual capacity.

Large-scale group activities remain on hold and visitors must book tickets in advance online, according to Gao Dawei, deputy director of the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau.

Beijing on Thursday downgraded its level of emergency response to the virus from first to second tier, but temperature checks and social distancing remain in force.

The change comes at the start of the five-day May 1 holiday and in advance of China's rescheduled gathering of the National People's Congress on May 22.

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