10 Lies You Learned in Sex Ed

10 Lies You Learned in Sex Ed

Photo: Natalia Kopylcova (Shutterstock)

So much of school is geared toward preparing you for “the real world,” and teachers constantly tell you this. Some classes prepare you for college, some give you skills for life (hey, home ec), and then, in the middle of all this, is a sex ed class that seems to assume you’ll stay a celibate teenager forever.

Whatever your opinion on the morality of sex as a teenager, eventually most of us will have some kind of sex with somebody. Even if you and your partner are abstinent until marriage, what then? You’ll still have to deal with issues surrounding your sexual health and well-being.

And unfortunately, people are sometimes forced to have sex against their will. A virginity pledge isn’t a magic force field against rape. It’s important to know about things like emergency contraception and post-exposure prophylaxis.

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