12 Clever Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Use Sandpaper

12 Clever Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Use Sandpaper

Photo: Korawat photo shoot (Shutterstock)

So many things in our homes that we think of as “single-use” items actually have at least one alternative use—and they often have several of these secret superpowers. A perfect example: sandpaper.

If you’ve ever made any attempt to work with wood, you probably have some sandpaper stuffed away in your workroom or toolbox. And you probably think there are just a few dedicated uses for it—sanding wood, obviously, or drywall compound. But sandpaper has a lot more uses around your home that you probably never considered.

In fact, if you don’t have any sandpaper tucked away in your junk drawer now, these 12 clever ways to use it may prompt you to go stock up.

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