22 of Our Best Parenting Hacks of 2022

22 of Our Best Parenting Hacks of 2022

Photo: Voyagerix (Shutterstock)

As parents, we’re all a work in progress. It’s not that we aren’t learning and adapting at a breakneck pace; it’s just that these kids keep changing and moving the goalposts on us. We have to meet their basic physical, mental, and emotional needs and prepare them for a life outside of our home. We have less than two decades to turn a tiny screaming baby into a competent, empathetic, honest adult—all while being terribly human ourselves. Who could do such a thing without a little help along the way?

During this most reflective time of the year, let’s look back on all our best parenting advice from the past 12 months. We’ll tackle everything from getting a crying baby to sleep to getting kids to stop lying to you to improving your relationship with your teenager. Here, let’s start with an easy one.

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