6 Companion Podcasts for the 'Succession'-Obsessed

6 Companion Podcasts for the 'Succession'-Obsessed

Are you keeping up with the Roy family drama? If so, are you also struggling with the need for pre-binging patience while we wait for weekly Succession episodes to drop? Rather than spend my time rewatching the same episodes over and over, I like to seek out complementary voices and perspectives about the show.

Whether you want to feel like you’re in the writers’ room, or you want to understand the parallels between the fictional Roys and their real-life influences, you need a companion podcast in your life. A strong companion podcast doesn’t simply recap what we just watched on screen, but actually dives deep into what makes the show tick. Usually this involves entertaining discussions with writers, actors, or in the case of Succession, money and media experts who can explain what the show gets right (and what it doesn’t).

Personally, I’m a sucker for hearing cast and crew members explain the nitty gritty of bringing a story to life, so my favorite podcasts skew in that behind-the-scenes direction. Check out these podcast options to elevate your Succession experience. [Cue theme song: dun DUN–]

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