Be Extra Cautious About Drowning Risks This Summer

Be Extra Cautious About Drowning Risks This Summer

Inflatable pools are hard to come by right now. I know because I spent many hours trying to locate and purchase one for use in my own yard. Seems we’re all trying to find ways to bring a little summer fun into the confines of our own properties while the usual go-tos—camps, playgrounds and public pools—remain closed. Adding a pool to the yard is certainly a great way to do that.

But experts are warning that the jump in pool purchases, plus the increase in time we’re spending at home, plus the fact that many parents are balancing work and childcare at the same time could lead to an increase in drowning deaths among children. The New York Times reports:

This year, with outings to the community pool, day camps and pool parties still on hold, kids cooped up at home will be eager to get in the water as the weather warms. Experts worry that parents are stretched too thin to provide the required supervision, leading to an increase in child drownings this summer. As of mid-May, both Florida and Texas—the top two states for child drownings in pools and spas—are already seeing higher numbers than last year.

If you have toddlers and you think you don’t have to worry because you don’t have a real pool—just one of those little plastic or inflatable baby pools—you still have a hazard sitting in your yard. Little kids can drown in less than two inches of water. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, drowning is the leading cause of injury death in children ages 1 to 4, and nearly 70 percent of the time, it happens when children aren’t supposed to be in the pool.

Given that it’s impossible to keep an eye on your kids every second of every day, especially right now, the biggest thing experts recommend if you have a pool is to completely fence it off from the house. Here are the AAP’s pool fence recommendations:

Four feet, four sides: The pool fence should be at least four feet high and completely surround the pool, separating it from the house and the rest of the yard.

Climb-proof: The fence shouldn’t have any footholds, handholds or objects such as lawn furniture or play equipment the child could use to climb over the fence. Chain-link fences are very easy to climb and are not recommended as pool fences. (If they are used, make sure openings are 1¾ inches or smaller in size).

Slat space: To ensure a small child can’t squeeze through the fence, make sure vertical slats have no more than four inches of space between them. This will also help keep small pets safe, too.

Latch height: The fence should have a self-closing and self-latching gate that only opens out, away from the pool area. The latch should be out of a child’s reach—at least 54 inches from the ground.

Gate locked, toy-free: When the pool is not in use, make sure the gate is locked. Keep toys out of the pool area when it is not in use.

As installing fencing around a small plastic or inflatable pool isn’t always feasible, empty yours whenever it isn’t in use. You might also consider purchasing pool alarms, as well as door and window alarms, to be extra safe during a time when we need to be more vigilant than ever.

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