The Real Reason You Should Schedule Your Worst Meetings on Mondays

The Real Reason You Should Schedule Your Worst Meetings on Mondays

Photo: Josep Suria (Shutterstock)

As 2022 turns into 2023, it’s prime time to set up your work schedule for success in the new year. Previously, we reminded you to start planning your travel around long weekends in 2023—the logic being you can maximize your paid time off by working around federal holidays. For both saving money on travel and managing your PTO, it pays to make those Mondays work for you. But you should also schedule all your most-hated meetings on the most-hated day of the week.

Stay with me here. There’s a good reason for you to make Mondays even more insufferable. Mondays are the most-likely weekday to get canceled due to holidays, whether you’re traveling or not. Look at it like this: If you have a recurring meeting on Monday, it’ll get canceled eight times from federal holidays alone in 2023. Suffice to say, that’s higher odds of a perpetually postponed meeting compared to any other day of the week. Suck it, Tuesday meetings.

But I know what you’re thinking: Aren’t you now stuck with your most dreaded meetings on the other 44 Mondays in a year? I’d argue that if you already hate Mondays, it’s a wise strategy to bite the bullet and get your worst meeting out of the way early in the week. Pile all your dread on Mondays, so that the rest of the week can be a little more bearable. Your week should get easier the closer you get to Friday.

So act now: The start of the new year is a perfect opportunity to request scheduling changes at your workplace. Take advantage of this time of new beginnings to innocently schedule all your most-hated recurring meetings on Mondays, so that you can increase your chances of not having those meetings at all. Good luck.

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