The Twitter Bots Everyone Should Follow

The Twitter Bots Everyone Should Follow

Photo: Karl Tapales (Getty Images)

Automated Twitter accounts are responsible for a lot of spam, but there are exceptions. Twitter actually has some great bots that add helpful features, like adding color to photos, solving puzzles, and taking screenshots of tweets. Here are seven of our favorites.

Chessvision AI

If you’re a chess nerd, you should try Chessvision’s Twitter bot. The next time you see a screenshot of a chessboard on Twitter, just reply to the tweet with @ChessvisionAI scan and the AI bot will tell you which side has a better chance of winning. You can reply with scan white or scan black if you want to tell the bot which side you want to win, and the bot will share a solution, a link to an analysis of the board, and videos for you to learn more.


Viral Twitter threads can be unwieldy, so ThreadReader collects the entire text from any Twitter thread and converts the tweets into a simple article. Just reply to any tweet with @threadreaderapp unroll and the bot will do the rest.

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Super stylish STEM learning.
These Mann Magnets Gear Toys are a simple and stylish way for kids to learn to problem solve in a STEM setting. With this set, kids can group and design, creating more complex gears as they learn.


Interested in space? Check out Moonshot Bot, which tweets pictures from the Project Apollo Archive four times a day. It also links to the Flickr page for the archive with each tweet, so you can check out more photos from NASA’s manned moon missions whenever you like.


Whether it’s the start of a game or the beginning of Black Friday sales, a good reminder bot can help you remember anything important. @RemindMe_OfThis is the best reminder bot on Twitter. Reply to any tweet with @RemindMe_OfThis in X days, where X is a number, and the bot will reply to you on schedule. Just remember to enable notifications for replies to avoid missing them. You can also ask the bot to remind you in X minutes, hours, or years.


@Poet_This is a bot you should check out for taking screenshots of tweets. Reply to any tweet with @Poet_This, and the bot will share a screenshot of the tweet. You can also mention the bot along with a few keywords to customize how the screenshots look. If you want to screenshot an entire thread, mention the bot and use the keyword all. In case you’re looking for alternatives, Screenshoter is worth trying too.

Colorize Bot

The next time you want a bot to add color to a black-and-white photo, try Colorize Bot. When you see a tweet with any kind of media in it, tag this bot in the replies and it’ll deliver a newly colorized image for you.


If you want to download Twitter videos, you can tag SaveVidBot in the replies. It’ll generate a link from which you can download the video. If this bot hits a Twitter API limit, you can try an alternative such as DownloaderBot.


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