Use a Lemon Peel to Rehydrate Your Weed

Use a Lemon Peel to Rehydrate Your Weed

Photo: Dmytro Tyshchenko (Shutterstock)

Spring is in the air, flowers are beginning to bloom, and 420 is right around the corner. You don’t want to find yourself scrambling at 4:19 on April 20 only to discover that your stash has gone dry. When weed dries out, it loses its potency—not to mention how harsh it feels on the throat and lungs.

I’m here to tell you that all is not lost. There are a number of simple techniques to rehydrate your weed in time for April 20. And if I know one thing about stoners, it’s that they are always super on top of things.

So before you throw away your dry, crumbly weed, let us explain one of the most popular DIY techniques to rehydrate your weed that you might not have tried before. All you need? A little citrus zest.

How to rehydrate weed with a lemon peel

The citrus peel method to rehydrate weed works with lemons, limes, and even oranges—it’ll work so long as the moisture locked in the peel transfers to your dried-up buds. Here’s how to do it.

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Place the dried-up weed in a resealable jar.Peel your citrus of choice. Drop the fruit peel in with the weed and reseal the jar. Note: Don’t put any of the actual fruit in the jar, or else you might just soak your weed in juice and create a pretty nasty lemonade concoction. Allow air into (or “burp”) the jar once or twice over the next 24 hours.Enjoy your rehydrated weed.

This process shouldn’t take more than a day. If you leave your weed with the peel for too long, you risk mold growing. Depending on your preferences, the major consequence and/or benefit of this method is that you lightly infuse your stash with a light citrus flavor.

Going forward, your best strategy is to prevent your weed from drying out in the first place. Weed is best stored in an environment that is cool, dark, and away from moisture. Avoid open air or in direct sunlight—except for when it’s time to put it to good use, of course.


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